The ClampOn BIRD

Introducing the ClampOn BIRD Condition Monitor

The ClampOn BIRD is a new and unique wireless acoustic sensor for the downstream, unconventional and renewable energy market. The BIRD (Battery-operated Intelligent Remote Detector) is a non-intrusive instrument that can be used for various types of condition monitoring of pipes, flowlines, valves and structures.

The BIRD Monitor can provide an early warning of potential weaknesses of pipes and structures, giving the operator information that will assist with making decisions for their asset to meet their individual decarbonization goals.

With wireless communication and power from an internal battery, the need for expensive cabling, complex wiring diagrams, and termination boxes is now a thing of the past.

Condition Monitoring
By measuring, analyzing and reporting acoustic noise, temperature and vibration, the BIRD is extremely flexible and can be used for leak monitoring, vibration detection, steam detection, foam monitoring, temperature monitoring, process monitoring, particle monitoring and pig detection.

The ClampOn BIRD Condition Monitor offers the latest technology, including energy efficient Digital Signal Processing (DSP), a very low-power RF node, and a sub 1 GHz programmable ultra-low power mode. These technologies combine to allow the sensor to operate for more than a year on a single Power Module (internal battery). The ClampOn BIRD sensor continuously monitors the condition of the power module and will inform the client when replacement is due.

The BIRD Condition Monitor has a wireless range of up to 1000 meters (line of sight), and its multi-function capability is designed and approved for worldwide operation in just about any industry.

Mesh network

The sensors are supplied fully calibrated without the need for on-site calibration and can easily be clamped to any pipe. With its wireless connection interface, the ClampOn BIRD sensor creates a self-forming mesh network that will add any additional ClampOn BIRD sensor to the network automatically. Setting up a network of ClampOn BIRD sensors takes only a few hours. Even installations in remote and rural locations are no longer a problem.


  • Fast non-intrusive installation
  • Wireless communication (RF)
  • Realtime measurement
  • High sensitivity
  • Noise cancelling
  • Battery powered
One of the BIRD’s mounted on a valve

The ClampOn BIRD Condition Monitor sensor offers:

  • Mesh network – Up to 250 nodes in a network – self forming
  • Wireless connectivity – Line of sight: up to 1 000 m (urban: 200 m)
  • Security – Encrypted data communication
  • Firmware update – OTA – Over the Air
  • Battery operated – 1 year of operation
Two ClampOn BIRDs

Additional information:

Building a BIRD: