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Quality Assurance & HSE

ClampOn is ISO 9001 Certified by DNV and has high focus on HSE in our day-to-day business.

We are a registered supplier to the ACHILLES  purchasing systems. 

We comply with laws and regulations, our statement according to the Transparency Act can be found here

Quality Assurance

ClampOn has prepared a quality assurance system which is geared to our organization. This includes our commitment to fulfill these requirements in order to maintain the continuous improvement of our quality system.

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ClampOn's Quality Policy

  • Quality is a basic business principle in ClampOn.
  • ClampOn shall be on the edge of technology. Quality to us is to deliver innovative products and services to our customers that fully meet the customer’s requirements.
  • We will maintain a small and competent base of suppliers that meet our requirements on quality management.
  • Quality assurance is the responsibility of all employees in ClampOn AS to obtain continually improvement of the processes in the company. The management is in addition responsible for sustaining the processes, systems and attitudes that contribute to fulfil our customer’s demands.
  • Products shall comply with directives and standards that are applicable for the product.

HSE Commitment and Policy

Health, safety and environment (HSE) issues are key factors at ClampOn. We, as a company and individuals, are committed to playing a part in the global awareness regarding health, safety and environment issues. And, by having included HSE in our systems, we contribute to the local and global awareness on HSE matters.

Health and Safety Policy

ClampOn will maintain and develop a working environment that will be regarded as beneficial to the employee, management, owners and the customers.
ClampOn shall focus on human resources and relationships. One should seek to develop both human as well as technical skills within the company.
We will live up to this goal every working day within the company.


Sustainability has always been important to ClampOn, from the building where we are based to the products we provide. We aim to develop environmentally friendly solutions that do not pollute the surrounding environment. Achieving this is a major factor in the design, development, procurement and production of all our products, and ClampOn follows national and international HSE laws in this area.
ClampOn’s solutions allow operators to monitor activity in pipelines, structures and valves topside and subsea. With the data our instruments provide, clients are better equipped to optimize production more safely and efficiently, and can more accurately assess the need for maintenance. This in turn helps operators prolong the life of existing wells while reducing the risk of leakages and pollution. ClampOn also seeks new markets where our proven technology can help reduce environmental pollution.

General terms and conditions of purchase