Team ClampOn

A team of 16 employees demonstrated the ClampOn spirit and competed in the annual Stoltzekleiven Opp competition in Bergen this year. The course is only 900 m long, but with around 800 steps climbing a total of 300 m, it presents just the sort of challenge the ClampOn team thrives on. A group of employees met most Tuesday evenings from April to the week of the race to train together and test their progress. And all the effort paid off looking at the smiles in the photo.

Well done Team ClampOn!

Team ClampOn - Body Image 1
From left to right: Heine Joanesarsen, Kurt Høyheim, Jone Skjørvestad, Paul Sandal, Eric Nilsen, Vidar Hundvin, Robert Harrison, Tine Dale, Hege S. Edal, Linda H. Pedersen, Maria Maksheeva, Anne-Britt S. Tysseland, Mari Ann Rambjør, Kristian Lygre, Roger Sæle and Bernt H. Hembre

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