Soldering Course

ClampOn always strives to meet the highest standards of quality to maintain customer confidence and increase customer satisfaction.
For ClampOn, having our Instrument Technicians recertify their soldering skills is important in maintaining the quality of our products and refreshing the skills of our production team.

Bjørn Solberg, Geir Hjelmeland and Johnny Aadland are pleased to recertify their soldering skills. Bjørn says “it is important to keep our skills up-to-date to ensure the quality of the work we do. Following industry standards is important to ClampOn, and for our own part, it is good to receive confirmation that the work we do is of the highest quality. Even after working in the field for 20 years, we still need to stay up-to-date and maintain standards”.

Bjørn Solberg, Geir Hjelmeland and Johnny Aadland are happy with their diploma

Bjørn Solberg, Geir Hjelmeland and Johnny Aadland are happy with their diploma


“At ClampOn, we want all our employees to have the best knowledge; when our employees are the best, the products will be the best,” says Per Arne Aadland, Production Manager.

The soldering course – Jan Kjemperud from Betek Consult AS held the recertification course.
Upon completion of the soldering course, participants are certified for two years. After that, participants must undergo a new course to recertify.
The course comprises both theory and practical exercises. Participants must solder circuit boards and connectors, after which the course holder inspects their work to check that it conforms to the IPC A-610 standard. The course lasts for four days, with an exam at the end.

Jan Kjemperud demonstrating how he checks the circuit boards built by the course participants

Jan Kjemperud demonstrating how he checks the circuit boards built by the course participants

“There are more than 200 standards, of which primarily two or three of these were used. These are American and are valid worldwide” says Jan Kjemperud.
On the course were three participants from ClampOn and two from Transmark Subsea.

Betek Consult has run courses for companies throughout Norway for over 30 years. Besides industrial companies, they also run courses for other organisations that use a lot of electrical equipment, for example, hospitals. Jan has held soldering courses at ClampOn for many years.