ClampOn DSP Well Collision Detector

ClampOn DSP Well Collision Detectors provide operators with real time data so that collision risk analysis calculations are not the only factor determining the bit’s proximity to existing wells.

This method uses ClampOn non-invasive ultrasonic sensor technology in the form of a spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer digitizes the ultrasound allowing for frequency analysis in real-time.

The procedure is patent pending. ClampOn’s experience with this procedure began at the request of a major operator in the Gulf of Mexico. The operator was involved in a side track drilling operation which would require the bit to travel in close proximity to existing wells. The operator believed topside sensors could possibly detect the ultrasonic signal generated by the drill string and thus help to divert a possible collision with an existing well. Previous experience proved that ClampOn topside sensors could detect down hole events. One example would be ClampOn DSP sensors detecting perforation guns firing at depths of 13,000 to 15,000 feet.

The process involves ClampOn DSP Well Collision Detectors being installed topside on all existing wells in close proximity to the well being drilled. The drill string’s approach to existing wells will create an increase in the ultrasonic signal being observed topside. When dramatic ultrasonic increases are observed, drilling will be halted and data analyzed. After analysis is complete, the drill string can be diverted or drilling can resume with the confidence that a collision has been avoided or that initial calculations were confirmed.

The use of sidetrack drilling is only going to increase as fields mature. Proper collision avoidance techniques should be considered when preparing for the drilling operation. The ClampOn DSP Well Collision Detector provides the operator with an advanced real time collision monitoring system with minimal equipment and personnel requirements.