ClampOn sand monitoring and support

SandQ_pipe8_whiteWe know that every well is different and sometimes it will be necessary to reduce the production of oil and gas to keep sand production at an acceptable level. This could reduce overall production and hence profit.
What we also see however, and where ClampOn support really pays off, is that a good understanding of every well will often open up the possibility to compensate for any lost production on one well by increasing production on other wells.


Below is an example of a customer’s operating instructions to one of its fields. The instructions are the result of ClampOn’s careful analysis of months of sand production data:
“To operations for the Amamba field, please operate your wells at the following gas rates to minimize sand production:

  • Well 1 Increase rate to 7.5 sm3/d, if possible.
  • Well 3 Increase rate to a minimum FTHP of 115 bar.
  • Well 7 Keep production as stable as possible at 6.5 sm3/d. If stable flow is not possible then reduce rate to 5.0 sm3/d.
  • Well 11 Reduce maximum rate to 6.5 sm3/d and keep stable.
  • Well 12 Reduce maximum rate to 5.5 sm3/d.”